Tuesday, May 09, 2006

3. RSS multiplies your value a thousandfold

If you have knowledge worth $5 and you deliver it to 1,000 people, then you make $5,000.

If your knowledge is worth $0, then you could be able to reach 1,000,000 people on Earth, it wouldn't make you any richer.

The key, therefore, is to find out exactly WHAT you know which is so valuable.

This is easier said than done.

Think about it seriously: what is the most valuable knowledge you have? To whom is it valuable?

Here's a tip: imagine yourself, but five years younger. What knowledge would you be willing to pay for, which might have helped you succeed sooner or avoid preventable mistakes?

In other words, if you're a professional with five years of experience, what knowledge would you sell to a person who is five years younger than you and is embarking on the same career as yours?

In the end, the Internet (and RSS -- for Real Simple Syndication) can only help you IF you know exactly what valuable knowledge you have.

If you don't, the Internet could be a 1,000 times faster or bigger, it wouldn't impact your bank account at all.


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